The Payoff of Perseverance
It is my personal favorite time of the year - College football bowl games! It is a chance to see how teams match up against out of...
The Cost of Playing Not to Lose
As a college football fan I enjoy my Saturdays during the fall, but as a professional it kills me to watch teams who have everything it...
Are All Mistakes Bad?
Athletes often talk about mistakes as this terrible, awful, tragedies that define them as an athlete or their performance in a...
Inconsistency in Performance Should be a Red Flag
Often times I receive calls from athletes (or their parents) expressing concern over inconsistent performance between practice/game...
Defining Your Goals in Sports
If you ask athletes about their goals, often times you will hear their largest dreams: To play professional ball, Compete in the...
Does Asking for Help Make You Weak?
Unfortunately, therapy still carries with it a negative stigma. People fear what others may think of them if it were known that they...
Are Fears Holding You Back?
Many athletes experience fear in their sport, but the extent to which the fear plays a role depends on how much credit they give to those...
Rise to the Challenge of Competition
I often get athletes who discuss an upcoming game/match/meet/competition in which they highlight how good their opponent is and how...
Lifts, Spins, Jumps: When You Can’t Get Your Skates off the Ice
What happens when a skater who has always approached his/her tricks with fearless confidence is all of a sudden paralyzed by fear? Often...
Is Demanding Perfection Hurting Your Performance?
Here is the scenario: Going into a game/performance, an athlete's confidence is high, he/she is motivated to perform at his/her highest...