Nick Foles' Winning Mentality
Eagles fans everywhere are rejoicing after their first ever Super Bowl win. It was a season full of emotions for fans. They went from...
Is Mindfulness the Key to Athletic Success?
There is a lot of discussion about the impact mindfulness has upon athletic performance. In what way is it allowing the athlete to break...
Performance Coaching: Is It Just for Athletes?
It may surprise some people to hear that performance coaching has value to individuals who do not identify themselves as athletes, well...
So You Had a Bad Game
Bad performances happen. However, it is not the bad performance that defines the athlete, it is what they do after a bad performance. So,...
Do You Trust Yourself on the Field?
A lot of times athlete's and coaches spend a lot of time talking about confidence. It is easy to understand why- if an athlete does not...
"In Practice, They are Unbelievable, but in a Game..."
I hear the above statement from concerned parents all the time. Their child demonstrates exceptional abilities in their sport during...
Making Sure Confidence is Stable
Many times I have clients who tell me that they are really confident, only to have them say that a mistake can drop their confidence...
The Payoff of Perseverance
It is my personal favorite time of the year - College football bowl games! It is a chance to see how teams match up against out of...
The Cost of Playing Not to Lose
As a college football fan I enjoy my Saturdays during the fall, but as a professional it kills me to watch teams who have everything it...
Are All Mistakes Bad?
Athletes often talk about mistakes as this terrible, awful, tragedies that define them as an athlete or their performance in a...